It was during the month of February, 2011 that this all finally made sense! This "obsession" (as many referred to it as) I had with Cabo was absolutely normal behavior for anyone who has ever been "addicted" to anything! It fills your mind no matter how hard you try not to think about it! Even when you're not thinking about it, something triggers it, a song, a smell, a color, whatever ... and there it is - you're thinking about it again! One evening, after getting back from a recent trip to Cabo, John and I were sitting on our back deck talking and reminiscing about our vacation and discussing when the soonest would be that we could go back, just like we did many times before ... then the realization hit us! We were addicts! Here we were trying to shuffle our lives around so that we could get our next FIX! We spent the next few seconds in silence, just looking at each other before we smiled and said ..... "WE ARE CABOHOLICS!". A sense of peace and calmness came over us. We knew then, that we were not weird, or strange, we were suffering from an addiction that we weren't sure we wanted a cure for! At that moment, we vowed that we would spread the word about this addiction, and search out others who suffer in silence, or are outcast because of their constant talking about Cabo! We were sure that they, too would find comfort in knowing that they were not alone! That very evening, the "Caboholics Support Group" on facebook was created. The group description read ... WHAT IS A CABOHOLIC? Caboholic "Johnny Corona" If you have already taken your first trip to Los Cabos, you may recognize some of the early stage symptoms: You may not have been aware, but during your vacation in Cabo you begin to think about what kind of business you could start in Cabo. The ideas seem to come so easily and they are great ideas! This will work! It has to work! There must be a way to make a living here in this wonderful place! Surely, there is something you can do! Most people become aware there is a problem soon after their first trip to Cabo. Upon returning home, they may find it difficult to focus on work, even when they try not to think about Cabo, thoughts and images continue to fill their mind. Be aware of the physical addiction as well, you may find that a day or two after you get back from your vacation in Cabo, you become physically ill ... most of the time it starts with the sniffles and can quickly progress to a severe cold. Even though you are feeling sick, you still have the desire to go online and post the photos you took while in Cabo. Of course, you are sidetracked by any other articles or posts from others about Cabo. Though you are sick and still show up for work, you are absolutely useless in productivity. All of your energy seems to be directed at anything regarding Cabo. Within a week after you return from your vacation in Cabo, you are already checking out the airfare and hotels / timeshares available for your next trip. You now have more friends on facebook that you met while you were in Cabo. You feel like "old buddies" and are quick to "like" or "comment" on their posts. There are other symptoms, but too numerous to mention. You must remember ... as with all other addictions, the symptoms will fade .... but the core addiction remains. Each time you vacation in Cabo the addiction grows. The desire for your next "fix" is much stronger than it was after your first trip. You may find yourself flying down for a "quick last minute trip" more often than you ever thought you would. IS THERE A CURE? No, there is no cure. However, you can better the quality of your life by limiting the number of "fixes" you get during each year to no more than your budget allows. Join the "CABOHOLICS SUPPORT GROUP" on Facebook and fill in the time between each "Cabo Vacation Fix" with regular visits for moral support. Share information and experiences, ask and answer questions, and post your favorite Cabo photos. Rest assured, you are NOT alone, there are other Caboholics who truly understand what you are going through.
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