Since the last update I posted, Roberto has been steadily improving. He's still going in for weekly follow up visits for lab work and scans to be sure there is no infection remaining in his body. During his last follow up visit last week, doctors advised him that he is ready to get more "exercise". He can now get out of the house for a bit, go to the store, go along to run errands, etc. He is still not able to lift objects, push a grocery cart, or anything that might cause him to over do it.
The doctors also said Roberto will be ready to come back to "work" in about another week. Work means for about 3 - 4 hours a day. He can walk around until he's feeling tired, then take a sit down break, do some "desk work", then maybe walk around some more. Roberto will be coming to Cabo Cantina on Tuesday, March 1st ... sometime between 5pm and 7pm to visit with everyone! If you are in town and would like to see Roberto, come on down.
Roberto went back in for his follow up appointment this past Friday. Results from lab work and further scans showed his liver recovering from surgery very well and the incisions from the first surgery healing without a problem. However, scans showed he still had a pocket of infection on his left side, between is intestines and abdominal wall. Doctor advises an outpatient surgery to drain the infection out to avoid it spreading. Outpatient surgery was scheduled for Monday, but postponed until Tuesday.
Roberto went in for the outpatient surgery on Tuesday. All went well with no unexpected complications and a drainage tube was left in place for the infected area to drain completely. Roberto was released that evening to recover at home, with the next follow up visit in a few days. Roberto is slowly getting stronger every day. He's no longer using a walker and can take a few steps without the aid of a cane. Roberto lost about 15 pounds during this whole ordeal and is on a high protein diet of chicken, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Roberto sends his love and gratitude to everyone and says he can't wait to get back to the cantina to see everyone! Medical expenses: $ 56,144.00 Total contributions: $25,250.00 I write this for all of Roberto's friends who are so concerned and have asked me what happened. It's a long story and in an effort to save my voice, I thought I'd write up a summary to share with everyone. What happened in layman's (Maddie's) terms: Jan 10th: Roberto was not feeling well and went in to the Seguro Hospital (universal medical care in Mexico). He was tested for covid - positive (yes, he was vaccinated) and sent home with paracetamol for fever and pain and told should feel better in a few days. His fever continued over the next 5 days.
Jan 15th: Roberto went back to the hospital. Doctors told him he must have the new variant and it may take longer to get over. He was again sent home and advised to come back on the Jan 17th if he isn't better. Jan 17th: Roberto went back to the hospital and advised the doctor that his fever continued and temperature was higher, in addition he was feeling pain in his abdomen. The doctor gave him some hyoscine pills and told him to give it a few days and he should feel better. Later that evening, Roberto went to another hospital where they continued treating him for "covid". He was prescribed dexamethasone injections, ibuprofen, acetylcysteine, loratadine, pulmicort, vitamin C, electrolytes, and 30 minutes of sun daily and told to come back if he didn't feel better in a few days. Jan 19th: This morning, Roberto's abdomen was severely inflamed and felt a bit more pain in the area. Roberto then went to see a private doctor. The doctor said he showed symptoms of cholangitis and dehydration and said he needed to be admitted into a hospital immediately for further lab work. Jan 19th - 8pm: Roberto was admitted to AMC hospital and lab work was ordered. Roberto was diagnosed with life-threatening sepsis, resulting from his appendix rupturing 12 - 24 hours before he was admitted. Emergency surgery was needed. Roberto's family was advised that Roberto's condition was extremely grave and chances of coming out of surgery were slim. Roberto went into surgery at approx. 2:30am the following morning. Miraculously, he came through the surgery. Jan 20th: Roberto's surgery was successful. Incision left open and drainage tubes left in place to continue draining infection from his abdomen. He was in intensive care, lab work schedule throughout the day and vitals monitored continuously. Constant adjustments to medication dosage as required to keep vitals normal. Jan 20th - Jan 24th: Roberto's condition improved daily. Jan 25th: Roberto's improvement plateaued. He was given a blood transfusion. Jan 26th: Not much improvement after the blood transfusion. Roberto's abdomen was still inflamed and lab results indicated infection was accumulating somewhere. A more detailed scan was scheduled, results showed he had two large abscesses filled with infection in his liver. One abscess was more of a concern than the other, due to it's location in an area where numerous blood vessels are nearby. Blood was requested from the blood bank so it would be on hand if needed. Surgery was scheduled for 9:30 pm and expected to take 2-3 hours. Roberto was in surgery for 5 hours, lost a lot of blood that was replaced with the blood on hand, but again came through like a warrior. Jan 27th: Roberto was recovering in intensive care. He was in a great spirits considering he had numerous wires stuck to him, four drainage tubes attached to his abdomen, iv lines, blood transfusion lines, etc. etc. Jan 28th - Feb 1st: Daily improvements. After a few days, Roberto was moved out of intensive care and spent a few days in a regular room. His diet went from clear liquid to solid food. He was exercising more each day and felt much, much better. Feb 2nd: Roberto was released from AMC Hospital, but will continue with follow up doctor visits, lab work and scans scheduled for the next four weeks. Roberto is out of the hospital! Happy does not even begin to express how I feel after two very difficult weeks on an emotional rollercoaster. Roberto's positive attitude, strong faith, and unyielding determination to remain with us has brought him away from death's doorstop. The medical care and treatment he received from the doctors, nurses, and support staff was top notch, but without Roberto's fight, support and encouragement from his wife, daughter, and sons, along with messages sending prayers and positive thoughts from so many of his friends, he would not be with us today.
Although Roberto is out of the hospital, he has a bit more recovering to do. More lab work, sonogram, and a visit with the doctor are scheduled for tomorrow. If all goes well, he will have the drainage tubes removed from the two abscesses in his liver. Thereafter, follow up visits and lab work over the next four weeks are scheduled to monitor his weight gain and also adjust the dosage of antibiotics and pain killers he's been prescribed. The main concern of doctors at this time are the abscesses in the liver. They want to be sure the "hollows" created by cleaning and removing infected tissue heal and fill completely. The other concern is the possibility that bacteria / infection that may be present, but hidden. If reinfection occurs, they want to catch it as soon as possible. Over the next month Roberto will be on a high protein diet and will be exercising daily to get those muscles toned and regain his strength. On behalf of myself, Roberto, and his family, thank you for the continued prayers, positive thoughts, support, and contributions for his medical expenses. We are all eternally grateful. MEDICAL EXPENSES: $53,378.00 CONTRIBUTIONS: $23,910.00 Roberto is doing well. He is no longer in intensive care, he was transferred to a regular hospital room. He's now eating solid food with no problem and getting some walking around exercise. Doctors said yesterday that if all continues, he will be released to finish recovery at home within a few days.
I am hoping that the next update will start off with "Roberto's out of the hospital"!!! Thank you to all who have contributed to help cover the medical bill. We're still far from covering it, so if anyone would like to help, please do as the hospital will need to be paid in full before he is released. Hospital bill as of 01/30/2022 - $53,136.00 Contributions as of 01/30/2022 - $21,860.00 Well, here's the "no news is good news" update. Roberto is still in intensive care, where his condition has been continuously monitored since he came out of surgery early Thursday morning and has been steadily improving. There's been nothing of concern in lab work done yesterday. He's holding down a liquid / bland diet well. Urination is good, but although intestines are grumbling, and gas is passing, solids have not run their course. Mushy apple "soup" is on the menu for today. Once doctors know that digestive system is running and results from lab work this morning show no red flags, we'll know if he will remain in intensive care of moved to a regular room where he'll be able to receive more visitors for a longer period of time. Blood donors for Roberto are still needed, please donate if you can!
Roberto is doing well and sends his love to everyone. In a text message this morning, he says he has been resting/sleeping well, feels no pain, and no longer feels as tired. Says he's gonna try his best to be at the Cantina to watch Super Bowl! Family has told me yesterday that he looked much better, skin color no longer as pale and he was much more talkative. I'll try to get a little visit in with him today as he is allowed only a couple of hours of visitation. MEDICAL UPDATE: Roberto was taken in for a second surgery to remove infection from two large abscesses on his liver. The location of one of the abscesses was a concern due to very nearby blood vessels. Doctors estimated the surgery would take 2 - 3 hours, but it turned out to be a 5 hours surgery. He went in at 8:30 on Wednesday night and came out at 1:30am on Thursday morning. Doctors had anticipated were prepared for substantial bleeding during surgery. Roberto was given blood during surgery and in recovery and as of last night, a third unit of blood was administered. Surgery went well and both incisions (from the first surgery and this surgery) were closed, though drainage four tubes are still in place. He is recovering Intensive Care and his condition is weak, but stable. All looks positive and lab work is scheduled for today to see if there is anything to be concerned about going on. He will be given a bland diet to see how he does with that. If there are no problems, he will be transferred out of Intensive Care and into a regular room. It has been a long and trying week for many of us. After 10 days of touch and go in the hospital, we're hoping we've gotten past the last of the hurdles! Please keep the prayers going, we're almost past this. Medical expenses are racking up, but I've assured the family we'll get through this together and stressed to Roberto that he's to focus his energy on nothing other than getting better. MEDICAL EXPENSES: As of 01/27/22 7:00pm - $ 41,384.17usd CONTRIBUTIONS: As of 01/28/22 8:00am - $ 18,615.00usd BLOOD DONATIONS: The blood bank has received blood from 2 qualified donors, a minimum of 10 qualified donors are required to replace the blood that has been used for Roberto. There are strict requirements for donors, so please if you, donate - it is urgently needed. Blood donations can be given at Hospital H+ For more info, click Donor Requirements or visit the website Hospital H+. Roberto is doing good, but one of those obstacles I mentioned yesterday needs to be dealt with today!
Extra strong prayers, positive thoughts, and contributions towards medical expenses VERY much needed! Scans and lab work yesterday revealed that Roberto's liver has two abscesses that have filled with infected fluid. Comparison to the last scan show the abscesses have grown larger and the fluid has become more opaque signifying that pus and infection are present and growing. Surgery is scheduled for later this evening or late tonight at latest - risk of the abscesses rupturing and reinfection spreading increases the longer we wait. During surgery, the abscesses will be and cleaned, then a drains left in place to drain fluids after the surgery. One of the abscesses is in an area of the liver that is easy to get to, while the other is in the area on the opposite side where numerous blood vessels are connected, making it riskier to get to. There is a chance of excessive bleeding to occur during surgery and Roberto may need to have a blood transfusion. For this reason, blood is being ordered and surgery will not be done until they have it available. In order to get blood from the blood bank, blood taken must be be replaced. Donors are urgently needed at this time so that Roberto has the blood he may need. Blood type does not matter. Donation can be made at Hospital H+ located in front of Walmart - appointment is necessary. Below are the requirements as stated on the Hospital H+ Blood Bank web page. Call 624-104-9300 Ext 3219 to schedule your appointment. It is very important to specify that your donation is to be credited to: AMC Hospital patient ROBERTO SANDOVAL MARBAN Minimum requirements to donate:
So glad I had the opportunity to visit with Roberto in person yesterday and he's looking pretty good. I let him know how many of you were sending prayers, positive thoughts and vibes, in addition to help with medical expenses. I asked him not to worry because we've all got his back and asked him to focus only on getting better. Roberto asked me to let you all know he sends his love and sincere thanks to everyone who has and continues to help him get through this!
Although Roberto is feeling better, doctors are stressing there are still a few obstacles that have to be overcome on his road to recovery. His condition has improved miraculously after the surgery and with the treatment he's received since. Doctors are now focusing on damage caused when organs were infected when his appendix burst. Medical update:
Update stated he was transferred into a regular room, which is incorrect. He is in Intermediate Care. Medical Expense update: As of January 24th at 5:00pm - $25,556.00usd Contribution update: As of January 25th at 8:00am - $15,800.00usd As of noon on Jan 24th, things are still moving in a positive direction.
Roberto was able to stand and walk a bit yesterday. His intestines are being a bit stubborn and not yet functioning well enough to for him to have more than small sips of liquids. An attempt at a bit more yesterday resulted in vomiting and abdominal inflammation so they will be taking this a bit slower than planned. Although Roberto's appetite is there, no food for a while longer. Drain tubes are still draining from his abdomen area with no signs of infection. Blood pressure still not stable, but they are still controlling it with adjustments in medications. There will be another update later this afternoon. In addition to paying down the bill with contributions sent thus far, I am hoping they let me in for a little visit with Roberto. Please keep the prayers going! And again, I cannot express how thankful the family is for all the love and support! |
Contribution via paypal will show to Caboholics - Madeline Haney and will added to the list below.
As of Feb 3rd $56,144.00 usd CONTRIBUTIONS:
As of Feb 3rd $25,250.00 usd Andy B. $500 Phil & Jackie G. $2500 Amasa & Amanda B. $200 Galene S. $25 Mike U. $25 Patti U. 50 Vicki DL $50 Carrie B. $50 Charlie & Phyllis $500 Mark & Susan B. $ 100 Chester & Bliss $ 100 Gregory B. $25 Deborah G. $100 Thomas LC $100 Larry & Anita M. $ 250 Grace W. $200 Jack & Kate O. $ 250 Tanya N. $50 Mike & Shawn D. $ 100 Michael A. $100 Janet L. $100 Holly W. $25 Victor C. $100 Rico A. $50 Teri W. $100 Eric S. $25 Jennifer P. $50 Michelle A. $20 Cheryl M. $100 Beth L. $250 Edward T. $50 Patricia M. $100 Coleen M. $ 25 Kathryn S. $200 Lisa C. $100 George L $100 Jill Z. $100 Wendy A. $50 Jon & Kristin C. $ 50 Cindy B. $50 Jodie S. $200 Bradford K. $100 Linda & Mike T. $1,000 Mike M. $30.00 Craig & Kathy G. $100 Brian H. $100 Rick M. $100 Greg M. $100 Monica A. $100 Garrett & Maureen $100 Rina K. $50 Peter & Deb I. $100 Ed & Cindy W. $50 Dan D. $50 Craig D. $25 Kimberly N. $100 Larry S. $100 Patrick V. $25 Mario V. $500 Caryn C. $ 50 Chad & Laura E. $100 Sharla G. $100 J&C Baxter $50 Rebecca S. $100 Ray T. $250 Don & Joann E. $50 Barbara C. $50 Lori N. $100 Terry N. $250 Miriam D. $100 Ramie B. $30 Bobby L. $50 Natalie H. $200 Lou & Lisa DZ $100 Kristina T. $100 Christine B. $50 Judy J. $100 Angel C. $200 Eric G/ $300 Arturo & Ava $500 Kathy & Jim OB $100 Cabo Cantina staff $500 Tres Sirenas staff $550 Cabo Azul staff $200 Valet Parking staff $45 Lou P. $225 Mel & Sue W. $200 Julie B. $75 Vickie McE. $100 Richard A. $100 Tracy C. $100 Stephanie R. $100 Gregory B. $25 Taras P $200 Janet D. $100 Leslie B. $200 Quinn P. $50 Linda K. $25 Paula W. $25 Reggie B. $50 John G. $100 Nacho EC $50 Corey & Vicky H. $50 James S. $100 Gerri A. $50 Kimberly M. $30 Patsy S. $25 Suzanne W. $50 Tanya H. $50 Ryan & Clarissa $200 Heather H. $2000 Brenda O.A $100 Lanae D. $100 James B. $60 Cindy & Frank $150 John & Jan K. $100 Carrie McM. $50 Gayle S. $50 Sr. Torres $500 Maureen H. $50 Rick M. $200 Patricia M. $100 Aaron & Terri F. $100 Don B. $200 Garrett & Maureen $100 Debbie F. $50 Craig & Kathy G. $100 Jason & Rhonda $500 Jennifer P. $50 Rose Mary CC. $25 Federico & Louisa $500 Karen $20 Cindy D. $50 Zoila T. $100 Galdino L. $250 Peggy W. $100 Susan L. $100 Dave & Alvie VA. $100 Marissa & Alexis $175 Bob & Angie D. $200 Dave & Marnie B. $125 Bill J. $100 Cindy C. $50 John & Peggy M. $500 Lou P. $500 Jose R. $100 Jerry G. $50 SLV Tech. $50.00 Patty DC. $100 Michelle P. $100 Jim & Pam C. &500 Viviana D. $50 Corneal $25 Kamie & Scott $100 Don L. $25 Fran S. $100 Pattie U. $100 You can also contribute by depositing directly to Roberto's account at any OXXO (within Mexico). Email or Whatsapp a photo of the deposit. [email protected]
whatsapp +52 668 111 4014 |